Henderson-Massey Moth Plant Competition
Join the Henderson-Massey Moth Plant Competition and be in to win, with over $1000 worth of prizes for collecting pods, removing vines and designing a poster.
Join the Henderson-Massey Moth Plant Competition and be in to win, with over $1000 worth of prizes for collecting pods, removing vines and designing a poster.
Create a great-looking and functional planter box with reclaimed wood in this Power Tools 101 class, then join a wicking bed demonstration using the berry boxes at Hope Teaching Garden. You will leave with your planter box and some great new woodworking skills, as well as a good understanding of how wicking beds work and the principles behind them.
Join us for kōrero and kai, with Sir Bob Harvey, well-known advocate for the west coast. There’ll be the chance to share your hopes and memories of this special part of Auckland too.