by Brunehilde Endelin
One Tree Hill Kindergarten were planning an annual working bee to spruce up their outdoor play areas, and as a not-for-profit early childhood centre run by a committee of parents, they were thrilled to have their work supported by the Love Your Neighbourhood fund. Read More
by admin
Seventeen year old Dan Percy is a student at Avondale College who’s making a big impact on our local environment. e caught up with him at Holly St Esplanade Reserve at the bottom of Heron Park, where he’s part of a group that meets monthly to care for the local stream, a tributary to the Whau Awa. Read More
by admin
Matt Chamberlain and his friends had been talking about starting a community garden together, and when he heard of the Love Your Neighbourhood funding, he jumped at the chance to get support with filling the garden beds in their no-dig garden in Laingholm. Read More