Counting Down to EcoWest Festival 2016
We’re counting down to one of our favourite months of the year – EcoWest Festival month. From Saturday 12 March to Sunday 10 April, community groups, businesses and residents will host events across the west, ranging from guided nature walks to film screenings to stream restoration days to hands-on workshops and more.
EcoWest Festival highlights all the great stuff going on in the west and beyond to care for and enhance our unique environment, and gives Aucklanders an opportunity to get involved, learn something new, and discover amazing places and the people who look after them.
This year we’re working on bringing some exciting new events into the EcoWest Festival programme and we’re hoping to be able to offer something special for the adventurous, for those interested in green architecture, and more to come.
Anyone can host an event for EcoWest Festival, provided it lines up with EcoWest’s objectives, and preference will be given to events that relate to the Whau or Waitakere Ranges Local Board areas (these Local Boards are the principal funders of the Festival). If you’re interested in finding out more about hosting an event for EcoWest, head over to the EcoWest Festival website. Expressions of interest close at the end of January.
To get the EcoWest programme emailed to you when it’s announced, join our mailing list, and follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with Festival developments.