Henderson-Massey Moth Plant Competition
Join the Henderson-Massey Moth Plant Competition and be in to win, with over $1000 worth of prizes for collecting pods, removing vines and designing a poster.
Join the Henderson-Massey Moth Plant Competition and be in to win, with over $1000 worth of prizes for collecting pods, removing vines and designing a poster.
Learn about the environmental restoration of our native streams and monitoring the surrounding flora and fauna. It's a great way to make community connections in nature as you’ll be working alongside other people who care about the health of our awa (streams).
Join chef and health coach Andrea Bravo (Dandelion Kitchen) where you'll learn to cook, then try two flavourful recipes and get to take home a Different Dinners recipe book. You’ll leave this workshop armed with some skills to make a range of recipes that are budget (and environment) friendly and will boost you and your whanau's health.