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What’s the future for your local shoreline?


Hub West

27 Corban Ave, Henderson
Auckland, 0612 New Zealand

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About this Event

As the eyes and ears of your community, here’s your chance to tell Auckland Council what you love about the beaches near you.

Storms, flooding, erosion and the effects of climate change are constantly changing our coastlines. Auckland Council is developing a Shoreline Adaptation Plan for your area, which will set out how council-owned land and assets, like parks and reserves, car parks and walking tracks and other public facilities, will be managed in the future.

So whether you live near the sea, volunteer on the harbour or a regular visitor to your local beach, this is your opportunity to tell Auckland Council about what you value most where.

At this event, you’ll learn more about the hazards our coastlines face and the options for managing land and facilities. There’ll be a chance to ask questions, look at maps and have your say about the draft strategies being proposed in your area.

This event covers plans for Waitematā Harbour West. Consultation about the plans for these areas closes on Thursday 26 September.

Read the draft strategy document for Waitematā Harbour West here.

Give your feedback on the draft strategies here.

Or email [email protected] with questions or direct feedback.

